Get to Know More about Telkom University Doctoral Study Program

Get to Know More about Telkom University Doctoral Study Program

Telkom University is one of the best private universities in Indonesia. This university also focuses its education in the field of research and ICT Business, with the mission of becoming a leading entrepreneurship campus in Indonesia. Did you know that the university, which was just established in 2013, already has a doctorate study program. Before getting into the core development, it’s a good idea to get to know about doctoral or doctorate education.

Doctorate Study Program

Doctorate Education or commonly known as Doctoral Education (S3) is a further education for you graduates of postgraduate programs. Those of you who are interested in studying in this doctorate program will later get a Doctorate degree, where the Doctor’s Degree is the highest degree of an education provider. The purpose of providing doctorate education is to be able to create human resources who have skills and insights in a certain scientific field. It is hoped that after taking the doctorate study program, students will be able to master theoretical approaches, concepts and paradigams in accordance with their respective scientific fields. The difference between the study period from the postgraduate program to the doctorate is that the doctorate program lasts about 3 to 6 years, while the postgraduate program is about 2 years. To obtain a Doctoral degree, students are usually required to take part in all lecture activities and carry out research to write a dissertation. Where doctorate program students are usually required to publish their research results both in international scientific journals and national scientific journals that have been accredited.

Objectives of the Doctorate Study Program

Telkom University itself has one doctorate study program, namely S3 Informatics. The purpose of the S3 Informatics study program is so that students have the ability to conduct research or publications by developing scientific fields independently or joining teams in research institutions, universities, or industries, and have good leadership and management skills. There is no need to doubt because the doctorate program at Telkom University has been accredited well. It is hoped that from this doctorate program, Telkom University will be able to contribute to creating quality research so that it can be published in the national and international arenas and produce works that are beneficial to the lives of the Indonesian people.